About Us

The Hardy Plant Society
This international Society was formed in 1957 by a group of eminent gardeners and nurserymen. It provides its many members, both in the UK and overseas, with information about familiar and less well-known perennials, how to grow them and where they may be obtained. The Society also works towards ensuring that all garden worthy perennial plants remain in cultivation and have the widest possible distribution.
The Northamptonshire Group
Our group has around 130 members. We meet on the first Saturday of the month (excluding May, July and August) at 2.00pm in Moulton Community Centre, Reedings, Sandy Hill Lane, off Overstone Road, Moulton NN3 7AX (map) and about 70/80 people usually attend. We have a wide variety of speakers, many of whom also bring plants to sell. In addition, there is a members’ plant table, a raffle and refreshments. We are a friendly group and visitors are always welcome.
During the summer months we organise a number of evening visits to gardens and also some day trips by coach to places of interest.
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